星期一, 9月 27, 2010

Over Nothing At All (Nathalie Sarraute)

Over Nothing at All is a play Sarraute wrote in the 80s.

It's about 2 characters (M1 and M2--- not exactly from the Star Trek) having a conversation about something they can't really point their index fingers on.

 R2-D2 and C-3PO

In most cases people probably would refer such trivial things as "nothing"--- or as M2 put it: words we didn't "have". But in close relationships, this "nothing" can be deadly. Like you would never know what can put her/him off.

Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959) /film script by Duras/

Marguerite Duras wrote the film script: Hiroshima Mon Amour in 1959.

星期一, 9月 20, 2010

Note 5: better body means better survival rate (PX90)

Note 4: how to survive the earthquake

Movie study: Zombieland (2009)

Hey guys! Here is a quick survival guide. But it only works when you are dealing with slow moving zombies. Oops!

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

Many of you have already seen this, but it's still one of my favorite boosting up material:

Randy Pausch: Really achieving your childhood dreams

Note 2: The secret to a happy life.

The way leading to a happy or happier life is actually no secret. You have seen people doing it and talking about it a lot already. The question is: are you ready for the change?

zero point. motiv.

I am very weak, both physically and mentally. Actually I hardly stand a chance if things turn bad. I will just die in the first 5 minutes in the most embarassing and harsh way.

Note 1: Remember, no one will help.

The world is going to end anyway

星期日, 9月 19, 2010

電影: 宗教的荒謬 Religulous (2008)

Trust your God

It seems to me the key in religion is about trust.

image by chi

I feel an angel has been watching me.

(image by chi)

Everywhere is as good as here.

(image by chi)

I have that kind of small town syndrome--- "I hate this place. Let me get out of this shit hole!"

Everyday is a new day.

image by chi

It's hard to get out of the bed and think positively because the "past" experiences make us predict the day is just another bad hang-over.

星期三, 9月 01, 2010

教育的癢處: 美國人有比台灣人聰明嗎?





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