想知道Bill Gates如何成為世界首富嗎? 想知道Mac與PC之間的關係?
You have to watch this movie!!
"Good artists create.... Great artists steal!" That was the punch line in this film. By watching it, I started to get some idea about how Bill Gates became the richest man in the world. And what he did to the Apple Computer. It's such a scam! Almost like a knife at the back.
But hey! He made it to the top. And with the glamorous public image and all his money, he is out there enjoying himself without any hesitations.
Ok, besides the dirty trick and how money can buy popularity, I also noticed that only the very aggressive ones could manage to get what they wanted. The inventors, the really genius ones on the other hand, are too introverted to cash their innovations for what they really deserve. People (the general crowd) prefer to listen to the loud, violent pirates. Their (people's? ) mistakes are part of the revolution.