ok 這個標題為引述白俄羅斯女藝人瑪格麗特的話--- 當她在上星期綜藝大哥大節目中,這樣詢問南非媳婦露易莎:"妳人在台北市,為什麼要學台語?"
這位來自白俄羅斯的藝人並且很憤慨地質疑露易莎台語的標準度(喔,別忘了瑪小姐聽不懂台語)。真讓人感到非常錯愕,,Hello and excuse me!瑪格麗特的中文充滿老外腔,連她的英文都有俄國腔了,居然有辦法這樣說別人--- 真是白人的種族歧視在無限放大!
"在台北市為什麼要學台語?" What kind of logic is this?
這是說因為台北市自國民黨來台後,就被外省人佔據所有高權位,以致於說國語比台語更高尚?更値得學習? 因為在台北就用不到台語??
這是非常非常可悲的現象,如果這個瑪老外真有這個印象,我們或許必須好好檢討自己。而且更扯的是 ........ 連6年級生也有 "聽不懂" 台語的人!或許可以理解他們不太會說,因為當時國民教育是被禁止的,但是在台灣土生土長的人,居然連聽都聽不懂!讓我真的覺得太可悲!! 而且還似乎不在少數,難到他們的生活是如此封閉,跟社會如此分離?Come on!他們其實可以學吧,6年級的人已經沒有藉口。
It is very ironic when a woman from South Africa married to Taiwan for 15 years can speak and understand Taiwanese while many Taiwanese people can not speak nor understand this local dialect.
It is extremely sad especially when the residents in our capital (Taipei) refuse to learn Taiwanese and even despise it. Mandarin is their only language and it's not hard to see why some of them would see China as their mother land. What I want to say is that perhaps we can blame all on our history or government but that does not solve the problem.
The main thing is that we need to stop the ignorance! This ignorance of diverse languages in our country only leads to conflicts and a lot of mis-understanding. We as "Taiwanese" need to ask ourselves "who we are" and understand the core difference between "Chinese" and us.
Like some of the websites would indicate: "Taiwan, a province of China". Would a province be aimed with thousands of missiles? If we are as ignorant as these western websites, we will fail to save ourselves or our offsprings.