Roberto真人照片 |
Roberto Zucco (1962 -1988)是一個真實人物,為80年代惡名遠播全歐洲的義大利籍連續殺人犯;自81年起即殺死了自己的父母親,爾後逃出精神病院,靠火車的便利繼續在歐洲國家犯下各種罪行。據說 Koltes(1948-1989)是在看到警方對 Zucco 的通緝海報後,而有了創作的靈感,在1988年完成這個同名劇本(Roberto Zucco),這也是他人生最後的作品。1988年 Zucco 在監獄中自殺,一年後 Koltes 死於愛滋引發的病症。
在實驗劇場的黑箱裡,創作社使用白色的木造空間,由三個長方形的木台組合而成,下方有滾輪可以移動與改變空間造型。上方懸掛著印有19世紀印刷的平面圖樣--- 槍與廚具。左後方牆壁掛著一只圓鐘,時間是靜止的,似乎指著表演結束的時間:10點10分。鐘下有4 - 5盞攝影立燈對著觀眾,一直是熄滅的,只有在快結束時有了作用。舞台兩側有一長排的藍色塑膠椅,是那種在公共空間最常見的等候家俱。在白色的木台上分別有 LED 燈字幕版、壓克力版(有的透明,有的貼著鳥與樹枝的圖案)與一扇大型的隔櫺窗戶(可顯示人的上半身)。另外在觀眾進場時,這木台上已備有一只突兀的紅白塑膠袋,皺皺鼓鼓的被丟棄在那兒。

(這是另類的 hello 吧?)
在純白色調與紅色 LED 燈的閃爍指引下,有一種公共空間的文明感--- 在乾淨外殼下的一種冷漠。而這與它所要呈現的公共空間(車站、公園等)、偵訊室、不溫暖的家庭等等,與 Roberto 的一身黑形成強烈對比,彷彿這些白色場景與人物才是麻木不仁的,Roberto 才是充滿激情的青年。而紅白塑膠袋的運用,將這種刻意裝聰明的白色裝飾打破,它同樣是科技文明的產物,卻是更熱情地貼近人們的生活。
讓舌頭打滾的新語言 R-R-R-R-R-R-RRR..... Z-Z-ZZZZZZ
在演技方面,這齣戲讓觀眾反應最大的是他們發明的新語言:以一種類似歐語系的饒舌感,穿梭在對話當中,而這也讓字幕燈很忙碌地跑個不停。除了新語言外,演員也大量使用廣東話及少量台語,兼混合著國語來演出。若比較導演王嘉明之前的《Titus》(莎妹劇團),雖是不同劇團的作品,但仍可以看出很多表演的共同性:如以對白為主的表演,演員動作精簡與像偶人般的停頓點,演員遮蓋臉部,性與暴力為內容等等;演員說話的方式也頗為雷同。在刻意塑造如詩的長段對白中,這些不同語言種類的轉換與它想傳遞的情感,是否能成功的傳達給觀眾呢?對我來說一開始是可以接受的,但在此劇105分鐘(上半60分,下半45分)強力放送的呻吟對白轟炸下,最後我已經不在乎這場表演的內容...... 只是在想女演員如何說得一口流利的廣東話。
對白翻譯過於文藝但內容卻了無新意,是讓我最無法忍受的一點。(如提到『to be or not to be』這個老梗,但又沒有任何新的表現。)類似呻吟的對白卻一點也不細膩,只好將注意力集中在不同語言的聲響當中,但即便如此,新語言的運用讓人覺得一種過度演技的虛假,加上整體過長的劇情,使人產生厭惡感。在文句中顯露出的價值觀是「被強暴比當老處女好」及崇拜「屌」的思維,將小女孩的貞操物化。以及「我受的苦可以塞滿世界上每一個洞」等用語,充斥在一種藝文翻譯的瑣碎當中。對語言的強調也在視覺上呈現,如 LED 與在右側牆上的投影,甚至後有一段是將 LED 燈板直掛,舞台上只有字幕的紅色強光,但出現的文句是可怕的無趣與青澀。
OK, now i have read the script (not in original french but in english version by Martin Crimp) after the performance. I see how the performance adapted the script--- the lines were almost the same (nothing left out), word by word, only in Chinese. Though in the performance they spoke in different dialects, the words that projected and read by the audience were always in Chinese. I have commented before that some lines were unbearably boring. But the same feeling didn't really occur to me when I read it in English. Why? Is it because my reading speed is faster than the 2 hour performance? Or because of the translation? Perhaps true for both. But more so, I think the way the lines were read and the way they literately took in every words create a risky situation.
The European sounded dialect was almost like a singing tune which forcefully pronounced each word like a melodic poetry reading. In doing so, we lost the desperate feeling or tension from the original script and left with a prolonged period of time in similar expressions. The fact that every word was translated into a longer Chinese phrase made the performance worse. First it lost the natural rhyme and feelings associated with certain words. Secondly, to use such long translation into different languages or dialects and to use a subtitle screen was even more tiring. Why the Taiwanese language was picked (among Cantonese, Mandarin and the artificial European dialect) to represent the whores in Little Chicago? Only the director could answer this. But something for sure, this long translation, the over literate adoption was killing me in theater.
以前的我真敢寫,居然敢筆直的不轉彎寫出自己看戲的心得與想法 .....
The European sounded dialect was almost like a singing tune which forcefully pronounced each word like a melodic poetry reading. In doing so, we lost the desperate feeling or tension from the original script and left with a prolonged period of time in similar expressions. The fact that every word was translated into a longer Chinese phrase made the performance worse. First it lost the natural rhyme and feelings associated with certain words. Secondly, to use such long translation into different languages or dialects and to use a subtitle screen was even more tiring. Why the Taiwanese language was picked (among Cantonese, Mandarin and the artificial European dialect) to represent the whores in Little Chicago? Only the director could answer this. But something for sure, this long translation, the over literate adoption was killing me in theater.

以前的我真敢寫,居然敢筆直的不轉彎寫出自己看戲的心得與想法 .....