The world is going to end anyway.
It's all just a matter of time. We are facing some common factors: human greed, less resources every year, pollution, new diseases, unknown alien forces, astronomy disaster (meaning some planets crash together or causing the inundation by the sea ) . . . etc.
We probably don't know what is going to hit first but no matter "what" causes the end of the world (for everyone or even just for oneself). We can only prepare for the worst.
We have been given a choice. It's a similar situation with your life span. How are you going to end--- dying in the hospital as the doctors' favorite lab toy or at some deadly accidents to find your body brutally dislocated? Though most of us can't alter the sequence of events taken in place but we can learn to master the "coping skills" when it actually happened.
For sure a stronger one has a better survival rate---- physically fit, sensitive to danger, knowledgeable (skills of using equipment and etc.), and luck (which maybe can be trained: positive thinking creates positive feedback and the 6th sense).
For the starter, one must remember: no one will help you. Or more precisely, no one is "supposed to" help you. They can help but that is only a bonus. You really can't count on that. Especially when things turn really bad, people can only think about themselves. They will do anything to survive and so will you. At the end of the world, we have to deal with the worst situation alone.
You are the only one that can help yourself. So tough up, honey.