星期五, 11月 16, 2007


(image by chi, silver gelatin print, 1992) 





星期五, 10月 12, 2007

星期日, 10月 07, 2007

黑麋鹿如是說 Black Elk Speaks


星期四, 10月 04, 2007

Susan Sontag [麥田出版 王德威主編]

這本書主要包涵了 Sontag 的 interview,conducted by 幾位深具大中國意識的所謂"知識份子",他們心中的肩膀扛著"犬儒"的社會大任,似乎在主流壓迫下必須擠點知識的奶水貢獻國家,相較於他們的過度簡化與標籤化,Sontag可顯得氣度寬宏與謙卑多了。

星期一, 8月 13, 2007

Ghosts and open source-

Entering the lunar ghost month of this year.........mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!


並任由這些人教育我們的下一代 .........

星期五, 7月 20, 2007

Google Picture of the Day 7.20.2007

(Google search at 4:03 pm, keyword = 228)

This picture was taken from the 228 incident, a political massacre happened in Taiwan on Feb 28, 1947. This photograph showed the young intellectuals sitting together with their families. They were killed during the 228 incident among thousands of other people.

星期二, 7月 17, 2007

星期二, 6月 26, 2007

掏空台灣資產的老人! Taiwanese Criminal in USA worth billions

(Wang stood with his wife on the right)

Wang You-theng, a spate of alleged financial crimes, stealing billions of US dollars from Taiwan is currently enjoying his cup of tea on the land of freedom.

星期一, 6月 11, 2007


(following photos by chi, 2007)

星期四, 5月 31, 2007

Positive Kick: Mark Inglis

雙腿截肢的勇士(Mark Inglis)居然可以征服聖母峰!套句海賊王的對白:「這無關力量與技巧--- 靠的是意志力!」 以下是演講的部份筆記(中文是我簡單翻的,請多指教):

星期六, 5月 12, 2007

星期三, 5月 02, 2007

Grotowski to me

A polish Jew with a strong interest in Indian guru philosophy was not anything exceptional or genius just as Beatles were also very keen on these oriental mysteries in the 60s. In fact, it was the hip thing to do at that time (50-60s). People were dreaming about all the magnificent colors behind the puff of peyote. (invisible to the common eyes)

星期日, 4月 29, 2007

Frank Zappa has his cool.

Frank Zappa (1940-1993) 一介搖滾巨星,是一個太棒的音樂家、太屌的頑童、太酷的奇男子;做起詞來幽默有趣充滿對社會的關懷,譜的曲也符合琅琅上口的商業需求;最震撼我的是看到他在一群言詞鋒利、自以為是的學者群(肖想審查 Zappa 的 MV)當中捍衛自己的想法:


他說話的聲音太迷人了~ 好適合主持廣播節目喔.....

星期二, 4月 24, 2007

星期一, 4月 23, 2007

Antonin Artaud

photographed by Man Ray.

photographed in 1948, the year of his death, when he produced his radio show.


ok 這個標題為引述白俄羅斯女藝人瑪格麗特的話--- 當她在上星期綜藝大哥大節目中,這樣詢問南非媳婦露易莎:"妳人在台北市,為什麼要學台語?"

星期二, 4月 17, 2007

object as a strange attracter

However I must be able to progress from there otherwise it only leads to a DEAD END.


(design by chi, 2007)

星期二, 4月 03, 2007

台灣新聞的異像 TV bull shit?

因為最近本人身體欠安,發砲速度慢了許多,熊熊大火早已平息。雖目前TVBS (TV bullshit) 台還是不顧批判繼續苟存,但也不特別對它再多批評了,因這議題已短時間內博得許多人注目。



星期一, 4月 02, 2007

Another recommendation: kill bill browser! (to replace your IE)

另一個Google軟體的狠角色which I love is ---- Kill Bill Browser (殺死比爾瀏覽器),江江!

Picasa - 免費小美人 重創Photoshop


上星期我曾很痛苦地想整理我的 Blogger,想把文章用分類的方式顯現。
then ........google search了一下,有不少人建議用 furl 這個軟體來編排!

星期四, 3月 29, 2007

you are here

(image by chi_)

Just recently I started to realize ....
It's so much better when you are around.

星期一, 3月 12, 2007

Woman, You Gotta Be a Bitch to Survive!

(image by chi, 2007)

除了多重人格需要這些 virtual identities 來安慰自己外,

(image by chi, 2007)

(image by chi, 2007)

星期日, 2月 04, 2007

Pirates of Silicon Valley (movie)

想知道Bill Gates如何成為世界首富嗎? 想知道Mac與PC之間的關係?

星期六, 1月 27, 2007

Dying young 神化死者:所謂的英年早逝


CNN was manipulated by the Chinese to post a violent news report on 3/5/2007 attacking the female Vice President Lu of Taiwan with very low-rank English, using SCUM as a description.