(by chi)
(by chi)
發狂日記 No. 1
街燈對我一點意義也沒有,戴著狗頭狂奔,我像瞎了一樣狠命亂竄,直到穿越界線為止,穿過屬於他的界線 . . . .
用你的折價卷換取我的思緒吧--- 介於啃一顆富士蘋果的第一口和第二口之間,或寧可用一只真正的桃子交換。
發狂日記 No. 2
Insane Notes
No. 1
Streetlights mean nothing to me. I have my dog head and I run. I run like a blind man. Cross boarders. Cross his boarders. A shopping cart turns out to be handy.
Drop down, I said.
Concrete words. Trains. Houses. Water hosts. Rubber tubes. Rubber tubes around women's necks, strangled by the moon light.
Blood in the pool.
Exchange my thoughts with your coupons between the first and the second bite of a Fuji apple. Or he'd rather exchange it for a proper peach.
Insane Notes
No. 2
Big bricks which once belonged to a moist wall, fell down, right before her knees.
He kneeled down and licked over the moss. Tempered nipples, shone like moon.