星期日, 3月 27, 2005

Vietnam Women Exports

Vietnamese virgins are the ultimate dreams for incompetent Taiwanese men.

These girls are relatively cheap. They are fresh, shy and young, desperately seeking for ways to escape poverty. They end up selling their bodies knowingly or unknowingly.

They have become part of the sex labor system.

What does a 55 year old, divorced man want in a 18 year old Vietnamese girl? She thinks she is the lucky bride when she approaches his bed. The dodge of marriages makes these girls willingly open their legs without questions.

The business of exporting young Vietnamese girls to Taiwan is huge and very very prosperous. Of course the consequences may raise eventually because such trade is never based on mutual understanding on a human level.

(street ad: within 3 months, only NT$ 20K, virgin guaranteed, if run away within a year will replace another one)  

The traders! The traitors of humun rights! They are the ones should be burned forever in flames, crucified and bleed to death.

