星期五, 9月 04, 2009

Adobe Lightroom 使用心得

Lightroom 剛出來 beta 版的時候(還未收費,尚在實驗期時),我就很好運的路過下載來用用。

那時候覺得它的黑灰界面做的很漂亮, light room as opposed to the traditional dark room,將攝影的許多暗房修飾步驟搬到電腦裡,真是太棒了!但當時還是覺得 Photoshop 比較好用。(殘念~)

星期四, 7月 30, 2009

星期一, 7月 20, 2009

Rasputin: 靈療者亦或該死的巫師?

Rasputin(1869 - 1916)這位俄國奇男子的一生,不似他的出生只是一介貧窮鄉下的農夫那樣平凡黯淡,反倒極為轟轟烈烈:不但得到俄國皇室的寵愛與信賴,擁有治癒疾病的能力,最後還以極為悽慘的方式死亡收場--- 包括他的命根子被割下,現在仍泡在福馬林供眾人鑑賞。

星期二, 6月 30, 2009

web design

web 2.0 site design by chi

自從到北藝大後,先選了一些自認為很簡單的web 2.0課程.................

星期一, 5月 04, 2009

星期四, 4月 30, 2009

As We May Think

As We May Think by Vannevar Bush, 1945.
(available at http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/194507/bush/4 target=new)

image of the famous "Memex" machine

Vannevar Bush has been mostly associated with his writing: As We May Think, published in Atlantic Monthly in 1945. This writing is influential as it brought out the early concept of personal computers and hypertext links.

星期二, 4月 21, 2009

A sample cover letter in 1993


1105 Bladerusted Rd
Chicago, Illinois 60614
May 7, 1993

Winter note

(image by chi)

Future. Corpse. Air-conditioned.

星期五, 3月 27, 2009

星期五, 2月 20, 2009

星期二, 1月 27, 2009